Math concepts enter into many of children’s early explorations. They compare and contrast shapes, sizes, colors and quantities of items as they play with them. They see numerals and hear people counting out loud. Games can incorporate this early math in ways that enable children to understand these concepts and symbols. These scavenger hunt and hide-and-seek games are simple ways to do this at home. The “math in the bath” game, to be played with an adult, can provide an ever-expanding array of possibilities for building a child’s number sense during an every day routine.


Scavenger hunt

What is it? This link has a shapes scavenger hunt for children 3-4 years and up.

How does it work? Print out the page for your child. You can also just view it on your phone. 

What can my child learn? This game helps children develop language and knowledge about shapes. It also helps them work on comparing and looking for similarities.


Juego de Búsqueda

Que es? Este link tiene una pagina de juegos de búsqueda para niños y niñas de 3 o 4 años a más.

Cómo funciona? Imprima la página proveída para su niño o niña o simplemente mirelas en su teléfono. 

Porque es beneficioso?Este juego promueve el desarrollo de vocabulario y conocimiento de las formas geométricas. También los ayuda a trabajar la habilidad de observación y comparación.


Hide and Seek With Shapes

What is it? A list of instructions for playing hide and go seek with shapes. 

How does it work? Follow the instructions and play with your child by giving them clues about the shapes they are looking for. By using words like circle, triangle, square or rectangle, and by describing the shapes, “This shape has 3 sides and three corners,” or “this shape looks like a ball.”

Why might this be a good choice for your child? Learning about shapes through games, gives children a fun way to start building math knowledge. It prepares them to learn more difficult math concepts in the future.

Simple Outdoor Number Activities

What is it? This is a blog entry from Fun-A-Day with three easy and fun activities to take math to the outdoors! 

How does it work? One activity is simply numbers on rocks that children can explore in many ways -ordering, adding, matching. One is a physical activity - jumping from number to number. And the last is great counting practice with natural materials. Consider using leaves, flowers, or whatever you have readily available, instead of rocks and pine cones.

Why might this be a good choice for your child? These activities will encourage number practice while also getting fresh air. They can be done on a patio, a sidewalk, or a driveway.

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Math in the Bath- NAEYC

What is it? This link gives ideas and suggestions on how to incorporate math learning during bath time.

How does it work? Click on the link and read through the suggestions, pick out a few to try out next time you give your child a bath.

Why might this be a good choice for your child? Young children learn best through play and while in their natural environments--which makes bath time a great place for learning.

Window TicTacToe Game

What is it? This is a simple game for two people that needs very little materials and set up. Tic-tac-toe is a traditional game that can be played anywhere by making marks on a surface, including paper, chalkboard or sketched in dirt or sand. This game does not take up space in the house. Children can leave the game and return to it later on. This tutorial will show you how to easily set it up and take it down. 

How does it work? You will need: a window, crayons or children’s markers, masking tape. For cleaning up: paper towels, water.

Why might this be a good choice for your child? This classic game uses simple materials found in the house and involves children in setting up, playing and cleaning up. The game lets children play with a partner and helps them think of strategy in game playing.

Cooking Skills for Kids

What? This link gives you a list of what skills children can apply in the kitchen based on their age (2yrs -13yrs). It also provides basic cooking language to use with kids, and suggestions on how to help children with the skills listed.

How? Read the information in the link and apply it when cooking with your child.

Why? Children love doing real work. Cooking is a great way to introduce them to many concepts they will need for school. It also helps them to practice eye hand coordination and strengthen their hand muscles for writing.

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